Our Coach Approach Guides You to Find Your Own Solutions

What is The Leader Mindset?

The Leader Mindset is a way of being and doing that empowers you to:

  • Respond with confidence

  • Relate with authenticity and curiosity

  • Innovate through challenges and build resilience for change

You’ve got this. The answer is within you, we partner with you to help bring it forward.

Who is The Leader Mindset?

When you work with The Leader Mindset, you receive over 80 years of hands-on leadership experience and extensive backgrounds in coaching and facilitation.

We are a group of 3 certified executive coaches, each with our own expert knowledge and experience within large multinational organizations, small businesses, public, and healthcare sectors.

The benefits of working with The Leader Mindset:

  • We’ve been there and done that

  • As senior leaders we’ve led successful, high-performing teams

  • We share a common passion for supporting organizations and leaders to reach their full potential and live their values

  • Together, we work with you to achieve better results - through people, culture, and business - with clarity, focus and confidence

  • We are ICF-certified Executive Coaches, and we each have a particular specialty through our individual career path. So go ahead, ask us anything…

Meet the Team

  • Jerry Weber

    BSc, CEC, ISW

    Leadership Coach and Facilitator

  • Susanne Wirth


    Leadership Coach and Facilitator

  • Shawna Quigley


    Leadership Coach and Facilitator

Our strength lies in our combined experience, knowledge, insight, and wisdom.

Because three brains and collective experience are better than one.

Why Choose The Leader Mindset?

We’ve been where you are:

  • Managing relationships, seemingly endless meetings, and administrative tasks, and overseeing personnel issues

  • In the trenches, leading employees through organizational changes and alignment

  • Implementing large-scale transformation, staying on track, and following through

How Do You Work With Us?

  • We offer a complimentary Discovery Call to understand your needs. It’s also an opportunity for us to make a recommendation on how we can best support you.

Certifications and Associations